Author Archives: Denotchka

About Denotchka

I'm a radical Christian concerned about the political freedom of the world. I'm a minister of the Gospel and I really want to spread the Gospel and freedom around the world much like the country I'm so proud to be a part of. I'm also a military brat so-to-speak. My dad was out of the military by the time I was born however. All I can say is any political corruption WON'T get past me. I LOVE America and HATE graft. The things I'm seeing concern me and I pray that we will be able to restore this country to it's rightful owners- the American people. Now if only they will listen to reason.

23 libertarian columnists launch Libertarian Party News outlet | PRLog

23 libertarian columnists launch Libertarian Party News outlet | PRLog.

I feel very stronglythat we need ot do this and give all American a voice and after the Republican Party basiclally treating myself and every other Republican who BUSTED THEIR HUMP to get Ron Paul where he needed to be to no avail and that the LAMESTREAM MEDIA has just dragged boththe TEA Party and the Patriot movemment through the mud, I have only one thing to say: IT’S ABOUT TIME! This has been one of the most brutal elections I’ve been through and I’m tired of being ridiculed, and smacked around that’s HIGH SCHOOL BEHABVIOR MENTALIY We nedto keep this adult, straightforqard and to the point. I’m an intelligent woman and I resent being treatedl ike junk by people who don’t even really know me. So to those of you who need to wake up, you better do it fast before they load ouy and the rest of us in a boxcar for a FEMA camp and you better quit telling us we’re full of crap because we’ve been born out to be right SO WAKE UP DARNIT!/strong>


Video: Iran earthquake triggered by HAARP?

HAARP is busy little bee! Iran quake death toll hits 306 killed, 3037 injured in Iran twin quakes Northwestern Iran was struck Saturday by a series of major earthquakes and strong aftershocks, as state TV reported at least 3037 people have been injured as a result of Saturday’s temblors. On Saturday, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck the city of Ahar, near the provincial capital Tabriz, 60 kilometers (37 miles) northeast of Tabriz at a depth of 9.9 kilometers (6.2 miles). Another quake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale jolted Varzaqan and Haris, which are located near Ahar, 11 minutes later at a similar depth. The epicenter of the quake was 49 kilometers (30 miles) northeast of Tabriz.

via Video: Iran earthquake triggered by HAARP?.



This is serious so listenp. It is not about fear but it is about portecting yourself. People do not realize this butthi is the number one cause of death in the world. When we let our governments murder us out right, that is evil to the core and wrong This is why-opening experience where I asked the Lord to show me the Truth about our real the 2nd Amendment is such a big deal to Americans. It’s not about our “wild personality” or our “unique perspective of ourselves.” It is about the basic fundamental right of every human being andthat is to live. Human life and human rightsa re a serious issue. This is more important noyt just to the U.S., but to everyhuman being breathing on this earth. DOn’t let these people just outright murder you. Prepare, wake up, arm yourselves to the teeth (you don’t need nukes) just don’t let them take your firearms. That has been the cause of all genocide inthe last 2 centuries or more. They ahave taken our access to firearms and self-determination. whether it was the Kings and Queens of Europe or the dictators of the 20th an d now current 21st centuries. When you let power strangel you, you are at fault just as much as they are.

DON’T LET THEM KILL YOU! DON’T LET EVIL WIN! SATAN IS GREEDILY RUBBING HIS HANDS JUST WAITING TO SEE THE CARELESSNESS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH! WE NEED YOU TO NOT JUST COME TO JESUS CHRIST WE NEED YOU TO REALIZE THAT SATAN IS A MURDERER, HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE! It doesn’t matter what your background is, the only problem I know that everybody is going to have is thw exclusivity claims of Jesus. I’m going to be very straight with you, all religions claim exclusivity and so it’s not a matter of that, I it is the vlaidity of the claims that are at stake. Even the claims of Jesus Christ are controversial, but I will say this, i’ve learned something about myself and about Him. I had a very eye-opening experience. I asked Him to show me jut how our lives were linked.

Let me put it this way, I was SHOCKED at how all- encompassing His guidance had been and how true to life and real. I love Him deeply and dearly and would like for you to get to know Him. I even asked if I could mix religions, and found under no uncertain terms can you. This is a one-shot deal folks. Jesus is “the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE”! John 14:6 and that settes it I’m afraid because if you try to do what I tried, it will destroy you. We all spend eternity somewhere and we have evidence that there IS life after death. Secular and non-secular entertainers Christian and non-Christian and we’ve all come to one conclusion mainly, you want to be on the right side no matter what sidet hat is. I know there are going to be people to tell you that I’m a fake, or that I’m trying to “distract you with Illuminati b.s.” REALITY CHECK: CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION! IT IS A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Religion is dea and cold and will kill as soon as look at you – even satan is religious- odnn’t believe me? asl an occultist what they do all the time.They basically are tryingto appease their MURDEROUS LEADER!



I’m in the process of using this to make some money myself and it depends on how much effort you put in. the more stuff you do, the more money you make. Do you want to be a productive citizen? Are you tired of NOT EARNING MONEY AT ALL on other sites? Here you go. You get a $250.00 NO INTEREST LOAN and the more you make, the less you will miss the paying back of the loan. You don’t have to use the IPL or I’ll pay later button, you can put in your own money if you like. This has made things easier for me as as blogger too. I acvn even move things from here and make money off of this blog now- COOL!!!!

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Posted by on March 11, 2013 in Uncategorized





I just read an article in my hometown newspaper that I usually don’t read to find myself HORRIFIED by the actions of a man who apparently made up some charge of blasphemy of Muhammad after  drunken brawl THAT WAS PROBABLY NOT PERPETUATED BY THE CHRISTIAN THAT WAS ACCUSED OF “BLASPHEMY”  I’m sorry, but to those of you in Pakistan that read this, you’ll have to excuse mem, but I’m just TIRED OF THIS! I’m concerned that if we don’t stop this violence involving Christians, it’s going to get out of hand.

II’m’ going to say something rather controversial: we need to quit doing this! If we are to stop terrorists (and I mean the real thing not”Al Qaeda” who is backed by far-left forces in the west. That’s what you want to destroy. De ent Christians who are truly practice their faith- no.

I also something to say to the Christian community in Pakistan, I’ve heard that there was retaliation. I hope not, because if there was you just blew your chance to witness to the Muslim community in your country. Yes, I know how dangerous it is. I’ve subscribed to Voice ofth Martyrs for years and I know it’s rough, but this is not going to solve the problem, It will just create another problem and that is A CREDIBILILTY ISSUE. In Egypt, both Muslims and Christians have gotten together and tried to stop the Islamist violence. See if you can do something about this because if you don’t you’ll wonder why you bothered. I know that “the west” aka America seems to be the problem, we are a little bit, but not everybody is like that over here. I’ve been appalled by what’s been done “in my name” and some of it should’ve never been done. Christ wouldn’t approve and neither do I. Get together with Imams and pastors and see what you can do, I know you have to deal with Sharia law, and it’s a bad joke, but don’t let yourselves be influenced by people who just want more violence. Here’s something that both communities will understand: DON’T LET SATAN WIN!!!!! BOth religions are stronger than satan. I’m not going to go into my qualms about Islam, we’ll discuss that later when things are calmer. DOn’t let the terrorists win. They think this is funny. Make sure you are the one laughing at them when they act this way because nobody will be laughing if they are dead. This is not an option for either group. If there have been laws passed to prevent Jews, Christians ,and Muslims from working together, the Lord will find a way, just ask Him.

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Posted by on March 10, 2013 in Uncategorized



One Family, One Bloodline, One Rule

One Family, One Bloodline, One Rule.

Here’s more information on this toic. If you know anybody with these type of familial connections, pray for their salvation and in omse cases protection (those who have no idea that this group is occultic in nature.) There are some of them who are Christian and have NO IDEA they are related to a bunch of satanists.


This looks like a good book about Vietnam, check it out!


Posted by on March 2, 2013 in Uncategorized


Here’s what we need to do and you better read closely and listen up because this is what we should’ve done the first time.

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Posted by on March 1, 2013 in Uncategorized



Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I apologize for the foul language, but I thought I;let the BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND THE SHAREHOLDERS OF FACEBOOK know that this is Mark Zuckerberg’s attitude. It’s classic NWO debauchery and he’s just dealt another blow to the Rockefeller brand. Didn’t know he was a Rockefeller? Neither did I, but when I found out, I wasn’t amused. While they claim to be Christian, they’ve been spotted at Bohemian Grove an occultic hang-out for the rich and powerful by Alex Jones for years . If you have ads, business pages, or what have you, I suggest we black out FACEBOOK not for a day, but for a week. Let’s send a message to this “kid” that if he’s gonna run his lemnande stand, he better quit peeing in the lemonade!



Impeachment! (Porto Alegre, 2009)

Impeachment! (Porto Alegre, 2009) (Photo credit: Vejo tudo e não morro)