Monthly Archives: April 2010

Can Mitt Romney Outrun Sarah Palin? Handicapping the 2012 GOP Horse Race

Can Mitt Romney Outrun Sarah Palin? Handicapping the 2012 GOP Horse Race.

This is already being played out inthe White House. How many times do I have to say it? Members of cults need not apply when it comes to the top political office in this country. You don’t need a PH.D in economics to see that this would be disastrous. Not to mention the questionable ethics of a man who hired an illegal worker to look after his family.  I bet if you dug further, you’d find all kinds of stuff from political corruption to personal issues that would plague Mr. Romney for the rest of his days.

Sarah Palin onthe other hand is a Spirit-activated (Spirit-filled) Christian and willing to grow and learn in different situations. She has been through quite a bit from being ridiculed in the 2008 election year about having a special needs child which should’ve never happened but did anyway.

There are also some things you’ll get with Sarah you won’t with Mitt. She’s FEMALE ergo a minority and the only thing I have to say to even the “liberal” or “progressive” movement, grow up and get a life.! This may be the poliical catalyst for the only chance to see what a woman from either side would do. I wouldn’t vote for any of the liberal/progressive candidates at this point too many of them are too busy harassing TEA Party members, ridiculing the American public and trying to humiliate most freedom-loving Americans to pretty much care about getting into and keeping their political office right now. 


Can Mitt Romney Outrun Sarah Palin? Handicapping the 2012 GOP Horse Race

Can Mitt Romney Outrun Sarah Palin? Handicapping the 2012 GOP Horse Race.

This is already being played out inthe White House. How many times do I have to say it? Members of cults need not apply when it comes to the top political office in this country. You don’t need a PH.D in economics to see that this would be disastrous. Not to mention the questionable ethics of a man who hired an illegal worker to look after his family.  I bet if you dug further, you’d find all kinds of stuff from political corruption to personal issues that would plague Mr. Romney for the rest of his days.

Sarah Palin onthe other hand is a Spirit-activated (Spirit-filled) Christian and willing to grow and learn in different situations. She has been through quite a bit from being ridiculed in the 2008 election year about having a special needs child which should’ve never happened but did anyway.

There are also some things you’ll get with Sarah you won’t with Mitt. She’s FEMALE ergo a minority and the only thing I have to say to even the “liberal” or “progressive” movement, grow up and get a life.! This may be the poliical catalyst for the only chance to see what a woman from either side would do. I wouldn’t vote for any of the liberal/progressive candidates at this point too many of them are too busy harassing TEA Party members, ridiculing the American public and trying to humiliate most freedom-loving Americans to pretty much care about getting into and keeping their political office right now. 



It’s funny, but I remember when I was a kid watching the movie The Blues Brothers and eventhough this was a musical comedy there was a scene with a song called “Think” it is sung by Aretha Franklin and I’ll never forget the lyrics to the chorus: You better think, think about what you’re tryin’ to do to me now baby think. Your mind won’t let your soul be free.  You need me and I need you and together there’s nothing we can’t do. Etc. etc. you get the idea. Well, here’s what I’ve seen as a disturbing trend for a very long time. People letting political parties and college professors doing the thinking while everybody else vegges out. STOP IT YOU’RE GIVING YOUR FREEDOM AWAY. Hell what am I saying we’ve GIVEN our freedom away. How about you numbskulls get up and go help us get our freedom back since you took it for granted for so long? I’ve seen all these “elites” on BOTH SIDES willing to sit back while the common mn gets stepped on, YEAH, YOU IN THE ARMANI SUIT, GET OVER HERE TAKE OFF THE JACKKET AND HELP ME PUSH!

We need to aso quit doing the following: going to a “community college” and getting these PATHETIC 2YEAR DEGREES IN MEDICAL CATALOGGING AND DENTAL ASSISTANT AND GET OUT THERE AND BECOME A COMPUTER TECH AND A DENTIST. Quit trying to get tht pathetic pollworker jojb and get a degree in political sciences and election law so you can get a real job. I’m not tlknig about becoming a lobbyist- THAT’S THE PROBLEM we got  too many of those. We need EDUCATED AMERICAN CITIZENS WHO ARE NOT “ELITES” TO BEAT THESE SUCKAS AT THEIR OWN GAME. Ypu’ll pardon my grammar, but that’s what everybody sounds like to me, white and black right now- at least we’re allowing people to put us in that category. What do you think of when you hear these words: working stiff, blue collar worker, everyday Joe, white trash, Joe Q. Public? These are all cath-phrases used by  the eleite and  THE MEDIA  to characterize American citizens.

I’m no a “working stiff” not unless I woke up that way and could barely get out of bed. Can we please re-define who we are as American citizens? I’m tired of being looked at that way. I also have REPUBLICANS who think I’m lazy. No, I’m DISABLED AND ON SSDI. I want off trust me, I’m wanting to go back to college and get my history/political sciences degree, and a few other degrees as well. I plan on getting them in really good places as well. I don’t need to hear all this crp about how freakin’ late I am. I had to deal with “REAL LIFE” having to get away from an slcoholic father and now I’m inthe process of getting ready to do what I plan on doing. At forst , I thought IWas going to teach when I got this degree- but recent events made me change my mind. Yes, I’ll teach, but here’s what I’m going to do. the ids at my church, he kids in my neighborhood are going o get taught the REAL US HISTORY AND THE REAL CIVIC CLASSES THEY NEED TO BECOME DECENT AMERICAN CITIZENS! When Im odne doingthis I’m going to actually approach my pastor and ask him if I can do this at church and to reach out to the neighborhood. Hey patrick brace yourself, this is going to be a class you may want to take first! We will cover: The U.S. Constitution, the Decalaration of Independence, U.S. History, Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court Justices, the Holy Bible, The Federalist Papers, Common Sense,  (the one by Thomas Paine, not the one by Glenn Beck) what concerns me is thaat I will need to do this so quickly. So I’m really going to need prayer here. For now, while I’m getting my education, there are sites onhere where you can go to get this information NOW.


Here Comes the Sun, in High Definition – AOL News

Here Comes the Sun, in High Definition – AOL News.

I only have one piece of advice for AOL, if you’re ognna do pictures from NASA of the sun, do a lot of them, I’m not interested in Hillary Clinton unless she’s prt of the NASA pics. I doubt she is. zI’m still trying t figure out when she joined NASA.


Okla. City Stops to Remember 15 Years After Bombing – AOL News

Okla. City Stops to Remember 15 Years After Bombing – AOL News.

I suggest you read the above article very carefully. Let me tell you why. When I heard about Bill Clinton’s statements about the TEA Party. I had NO IDEA he was comparing the movement to the McVeigh case until I read it. Let me explain something to you about this. I’ve noticed that there are two camps of thought on the militia movement both “right” and “left” wings. When you hear the word “militia” today, people think of the Michigan Militia which ironically still exists because McVeigh “acted alone” I only put those words in quotes because that’s what everybody’s heard for 15 years.  Well, all of a sudden, the TEA Party movement is being compared to this crap with McVeigh. Let me say something here. There’s a site out there called the following: Crash the TEA Party I won’t put the link here for good reason. get your stuff from your group’s site, God only knows where the money going to that site is being used. Also, if you have GoDaddy as a web provider, drop them like a hot potato- they are the ones supporting the site- it’s free and they PROUDLY PROCLAIM IT. Go there and look if you don’t believe me. 

Let me explain some of this, it is a search site for TEA Party t-shirts and paraphenalia. Here’s how it works, certain anti-TEA Party forces go on there and get this stuff and the money doesn’t go to the movement at all. They show up and they put together signs that are racially motivated and they try ot discredit the group.  I warned some friends of mine about this and to make sure that people only get their stuff from their sites. This is not funny at all. My message is to BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE- stop this destructive rhetoric before you start a CIVIL WAR. You do not realize just what you may be feeding.

We make our own “monsters” in this country, Frankenstein, the A-Bomb, the H-Bomb (the latter 2 were meant ot protect us), yes, there are people in the militia movement that they wish to God weren’t there. They are just as concerned as everybody else. and I’m sure that everybody knows about the Christian militia group that was just recently proven to be INNOCENT OF WRONG-DOING.  We have political figures demonizing the American people as a whole. For those of you who are new Americans, and you wonder what all the fuss is about here’s the sites to go to:


I’m going to say one thing here, be careful when you go to wikipedia as well, some things have been tampered with. So make sure you go to these other sites. You can also start your own without retribution. By the way, if you voted for Barack and you’re regertting it now, that doesn’t make you racist, it makes you HUMAN we all need to make better-informed decisions about a lot of things these days.

There’s probably more but here’s the thing, don’t just assume that the media is telling you the truth. I wish they were. Do your own homework and I’d suggest that you learn EVERYTHING ABOUT AMERICA if you’re going to become a citizen. It’s really important otherwise you won’t understand why you came here. It’s not just about “making money” that’s a bunch of tripe and hype. It’s about being free to express yourself without retribution or reprisal from the government. The idea of “civil disobedience” started in India with Ghandi, but in America, Martin Luther King Jr. grabbed that idea and ran with it. By the time it was over, even  Martin Luther King Jr. was being pegged as a “communist” which he wasn’t. Somebody he spoke with was. If you listen to all the political rhetoric and let it taint you, by the right or the left, you’ll lose perspective.  If you go to Wallbuilders, they can give you replicas of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other original U.S. documents. Do not  let the “extremists” on EITHER SIDE tell you how to think- you have a brain USE IT!

I’m sure you’re wondering what this has to do with the categories on the bottom. Well here you go:

1. This is a country that was founded ON THE HOLY BIBLE .

2. We’ve had Christian organizations from the beginning and they are being threatened not by other religions, but by political correctness and fear.

3. There is something called U.S. History and it IS NOT being taught in the schools, colleges, and universities as it should be. What you are getting is REVISIONIST HISTORY from both the “right” and the “left” this is not good at all.

4. There are many different sub-categories here butt suffice to say, stay away from evil- that’s what I’m talking about.

5.  Medical ethics. The Healthcare Reform Act that was just passed, need I say anything more . If you’ve been watching the news, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

6. Pacs and Jacks- That’s aimed at Republicans (their party emblem is an elephant) thus “pacs” like the word pachyderm. It covers a whole animal group, but it’s aimed at elephants here. Jacks- most people refer to the emblem as a donkey. there is another phrase jackass- it’s NOT  foul language. It’s an older term. Either way, it fits. the animal can be immovable and stubborn (does this sound familiar?)

7. General entries these are not politically charged. They are educational.

8. The Conspiracy Corner- This is about stuff that SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

9. The economy- please don’t ask me to explain this! It’s a nightmare right now.

10. Political Ethics- doing the right thing if you’re a member of the government.

11. Positive Attitudes and Going Forward: Keeping a right (correct) perspective and not getting stuck in silly stuff.

12. REAL WORLD: Islamic Terrorism- The Truth and the Consequences- The title should be self-explanatory. I don’ get politiclly correct about Islam- why should I?

13. Military issues- it’s  sub-category of the last one and how the military is impacted by decisions made here.

Thank you for your time and attention.




Okla. City Stops to Remember 15 Years After Bombing – AOL News

Okla. City Stops to Remember 15 Years After Bombing – AOL News.

I suggest you read the above article very carefully. Let me tell you why. When I heard about Bill Clinton’s statements about the TEA Party. I had NO IDEA he was comparing the movement to the McVeigh case until I read it. Let me explain something to you about this. I’ve noticed that there are two camps of thought on the militia movement both “right” and “left” wings. When you hear the word “militia” today, people think of the Michigan Militia which ironically still exists because McVeigh “acted alone” I only put those words in quotes because that’s what everybody’s heard for 15 years.  Well, all of a sudden, the TEA Party movement is being compared to this crap with McVeigh. Let me say something here. There’s a site out there called the following: Crash the TEA Party I won’t put the link here for good reason. get your stuff from your group’s site, God only knows where the money going to that site is being used. Also, if you have GoDaddy as a web provider, drop them like a hot potato- they are the ones supporting the site- it’s free and they PROUDLY PROCLAIM IT. Go there and look if you don’t believe me. 

Let me explain some of this, it is a search site for TEA Party t-shirts and paraphenalia. Here’s how it works, certain anti-TEA Party forces go on there and get this stuff and the money doesn’t go to the movement at all. They show up and they put together signs that are racially motivated and they try ot discredit the group.  I warned some friends of mine about this and to make sure that people only get their stuff from their sites. This is not funny at all. My message is to BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE- stop this destructive rhetoric before you start a CIVIL WAR. You do not realize just what you may be feeding.

We make our own “monsters” in this country, Frankenstein, the A-Bomb, the H-Bomb (the latter 2 were meant ot protect us), yes, there are people in the militia movement that they wish to God weren’t there. They are just as concerned as everybody else. and I’m sure that everybody knows about the Christian militia group that was just recently proven to be INNOCENT OF WRONG-DOING.  We have political figures demonizing the American people as a whole. For those of you who are new Americans, and you wonder what all the fuss is about here’s the sites to go to:


I’m going to say one thing here, be careful when you go to wikipedia as well, some things have been tampered with. So make sure you go to these other sites. You can also start your own without retribution. By the way, if you voted for Barack and you’re regertting it now, that doesn’t make you racist, it makes you HUMAN we all need to make better-informed decisions about a lot of things these days.

There’s probably more but here’s the thing, don’t just assume that the media is telling you the truth. I wish they were. Do your own homework and I’d suggest that you learn EVERYTHING ABOUT AMERICA if you’re going to become a citizen. It’s really important otherwise you won’t understand why you came here. It’s not just about “making money” that’s a bunch of tripe and hype. It’s about being free to express yourself without retribution or reprisal from the government. The idea of “civil disobedience” started in India with Ghandi, but in America, Martin Luther King Jr. grabbed that idea and ran with it. By the time it was over, even  Martin Luther King Jr. was being pegged as a “communist” which he wasn’t. Somebody he spoke with was. If you listen to all the political rhetoric and let it taint you, by the right or the left, you’ll lose perspective.  If you go to Wallbuilders, they can give you replicas of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other original U.S. documents. Do not  let the “extremists” on EITHER SIDE tell you how to think- you have a brain USE IT!

I’m sure you’re wondering what this has to do with the categories on the bottom. Well here you go:

1. This is a country that was founded ON THE HOLY BIBLE .

2. We’ve had Christian organizations from the beginning and they are being threatened not by other religions, but by political correctness and fear.

3. There is something called U.S. History and it IS NOT being taught in the schools, colleges, and universities as it should be. What you are getting is REVISIONIST HISTORY from both the “right” and the “left” this is not good at all.

4. There are many different sub-categories here butt suffice to say, stay away from evil- that’s what I’m talking about.

5.  Medical ethics. The Healthcare Reform Act that was just passed, need I say anything more . If you’ve been watching the news, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

6. Pacs and Jacks- That’s aimed at Republicans (their party emblem is an elephant) thus “pacs” like the word pachyderm. It covers a whole animal group, but it’s aimed at elephants here. Jacks- most people refer to the emblem as a donkey. there is another phrase jackass- it’s NOT  foul language. It’s an older term. Either way, it fits. the animal can be immovable and stubborn (does this sound familiar?)

7. General entries these are not politically charged. They are educational.

8. The Conspiracy Corner- This is about stuff that SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

9. The economy- please don’t ask me to explain this! It’s a nightmare right now.

10. Political Ethics- doing the right thing if you’re a member of the government.

11. Positive Attitudes and Going Forward: Keeping a right (correct) perspective and not getting stuck in silly stuff.

12. REAL WORLD: Islamic Terrorism- The Truth and the Consequences- The title should be self-explanatory. I don’ get politiclly correct about Islam- why should I?

13. Military issues- it’s  sub-category of the last one and how the military is impacted by decisions made here.

Thank you for your time and attention.




Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe

Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe.

Well, all I can say is read Matthew 24, we where warned about this and (some of us refuse to listen! What’s wrong with you?) Nostradamus is DEAD Jesus on the other hand ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Any questions? Go to: or call 1-800-NEEDHIM.

To go further, Europe will be affected by the ash for quite some time. There have even been health warnings issued. Geologists and seismologists said this could go on for years. Thus destroying the economy really bad. Right now tourists are stranded all over the world and that’s not good. Goods are stuck even UPS can’t ship anything by plane- oh joy! Well, all I can say is come quickly Lord Jesus. 


Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe

Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe.

Well, all I can say is read Matthew 24, we where warned about this and (some of us refuse to listen! What’s wrong with you?) Nostradamus is DEAD Jesus on the other hand ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Any questions? Go to: or call 1-800-NEEDHIM.

To go further, Europe will be affected by the ash for quite some time. There have even been health warnings issued. Geologists and seismologists said this could go on for years. Thus destroying the economy really bad. Right now tourists are stranded all over the world and that’s not good. Goods are stuck even UPS can’t ship anything by plane- oh joy! Well, all I can say is come quickly Lord Jesus. 


Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe

Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe.

Well, all I can say is read Matthew 24, we where warned about this and (some of us refuse to listen! What’s wrong with you?) Nostradamus is DEAD Jesus on the other hand ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Any questions? Go to: or call 1-800-NEEDHIM.

To go further, Europe will be affected by the ash for quite some time. There have even been health warnings issued. Geologists and seismologists said this could go on for years. Thus destroying the economy really bad. Right now tourists are stranded all over the world and that’s not good. Goods are stuck even UPS can’t ship anything by plane- oh joy! Well, all I can say is come quickly Lord Jesus. 


Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe

Volcanic Ash Crisis Deepens In Europe.

Well, all I can say is read Matthew 24, we where warned about this and (some of us refuse to listen! What’s wrong with you?) Nostradamus is DEAD Jesus on the other hand ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Any questions? Go to: or call 1-800-NEEDHIM.

To go further, Europe will be affected by the ash for quite some time. There have even been health warnings issued. Geologists and seismologists said this could go on for years. Thus destroying the economy really bad. Right now tourists are stranded all over the world and that’s not good. Goods are stuck even UPS can’t ship anything by plane- oh joy! Well, all I can say is come quickly Lord Jesus.