Video: Iran earthquake triggered by HAARP?

11 Mar

HAARP is busy little bee! Iran quake death toll hits 306 killed, 3037 injured in Iran twin quakes Northwestern Iran was struck Saturday by a series of major earthquakes and strong aftershocks, as state TV reported at least 3037 people have been injured as a result of Saturday’s temblors. On Saturday, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck the city of Ahar, near the provincial capital Tabriz, 60 kilometers (37 miles) northeast of Tabriz at a depth of 9.9 kilometers (6.2 miles). Another quake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale jolted Varzaqan and Haris, which are located near Ahar, 11 minutes later at a similar depth. The epicenter of the quake was 49 kilometers (30 miles) northeast of Tabriz.

via Video: Iran earthquake triggered by HAARP?.


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