Monthly Archives: February 2010

Andrew Koenig's Parents Walk Off 'Larry King Live' Set

Andrew Koenig’s Parents Walk Off ‘Larry King Live’ Set.

keep an eye out for Andrew Koenig and call the cops if you see him. details are in the article.



I know that there are going to be people wondering what I’m talking about. Well, later on in this same web log entry they will see a poll for folks to take. I need to make a confession: Eventhough I love reading about End-Times prophecy I have a confession to make- it scared me to death! That sounds crazy- I’m a blood-bought child of the living God right? Yes, but here’s why- I know a member of my famikly who needs to return to Christ and I love him very much. It’s my dad. I need you to pray for my father.  I love him and I don’t want him to end up fae to  face with Jesus and looking at Him in what I’m going to call the second death. I want him with me. My family is precious to me and I love them . I don’ t usually get this personal but I want all people to come to Jesus. My hucband and my dad have one thing in common- the same first name. Dennis. Pray for my dad to return to Christ. This is very important. The intense nature of the emotions I’m feeling right now can’t even be described and I hope that he does come to Christ.

Do you know Jesus? If you don’t go to Please get to know Jesus now while it’s not too late! If you need reading material here you go:

You’ll also find a lot of materials on this site I have a lot here. Dig in and drink deeply of the Truth of Jesus Christ our Lord.




sorry to nbe so blunt, but if the TARC passengers in this city don’t get going we’re going to lose the bus service in this city. We are being RIPPED OFF folks. They are cutting routes and people are losing their jobs. That’s what’s been going on- there’s a way to stem the tide. Contact the following person and also show up to this meeting. Don’t just sit at home or you may not be heard. Here’s the information:

E-mail: Mrs. Grantz at give suggestions and if you have any constructive ideas go for it! you can also call her at : 561-5112. Most importantly show up though. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT IT COULD IMPACT LOUISVILLE PERMANENTLY! This could also affect TARC 3 service as well. As you know where TARC  goes so does TARC 3 Services. Anybody disabled in ANY WAY SHAPE, OR FORM SHOW UP TO THIS MEETING! Pass this on to folks on your e-mail lists that doesn’t drive or even has a disability of some sort, or is a small business person who doesn’t have a car. This is so important I really feel strongly about it. Go to:  for more information or check the METRO section of the Courier Journal at

E-mail this to everybody on your list this is important.



Blunder Costs Dutch Skater Gold Medal — Olympics — 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver FanHouse

Blunder Costs Dutch Skater Gold Medal — Olympics — 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver FanHouse.

This is tragic- just when an athlete doesn’t think things can get any worse, they do. The Dutch Olympian here named Sven Kramer finished the last 8 laps in the wrong lane and got NOTHING! He was apparently a good athlete as well. This is a good example of how communication is key when you’re in an athletic event. Pray that he realizes this is only one competition and keeps on trying. Also pray that he stays away from drugs and alcohol- that can destroy an athletic career real fast- just ask Tanya Harding and Oksana Baiul. There’s more to being an Olympian athlete than athletic prowess, intelligence weighs in and awareness of time and timing.

 Concentration is key even Special Olympians know this. Just praythatthis isn’t the end for Kramer I get the impression he’s going to be very hard on himself and his coach. This is not something you can just shrug off- there’s money unfortunately involved. That used to not be the case, the gold was enough, that brought the prestige alone, but we’ve complicated athletics with money and that can be just as devestating if the athlete in question put him or herself in debt training for the Olympics.

If you’re wanting to go into the Olympics, or your a Special Olympian, get what you can afford and don’t sink too much into it. This isn’t your life, it’s part of your life. We need to remember what the Apostle Paul said though: I Corinthians 9:24- “”Doyou not know that in  race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold of [the prize] and make it yours.” Also Joshua 1:8 figures in : ” Be strong in the Lord and fear not.” You’ll make it Kramer, just hang in there! Your best option at this point, keep going and  FOCUS ON WHERE YOU ARE IN THE RACE!










Blunder Costs Dutch Skater Gold Medal — Olympics — 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver FanHouse

Blunder Costs Dutch Skater Gold Medal — Olympics — 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver FanHouse.

This is tragic- just when an athlete doesn’t think things can get any worse, they do. The Dutch Olympian here named Sven Kramer finished the last 8 laps in the wrong lane and got NOTHING! He was apparently a good athlete as well. This is a good example of how communication is key when you’re in an athletic event. Pray that he realizes this is only one competition and keeps on trying. Also pray that he stays away from drugs and alcohol- that can destroy an athletic career real fast- just ask Tanya Harding and Oksana Baiul. There’s more to being an Olympian athlete than athletic prowess, intelligence weighs in and awareness of time and timing.

 Concentration is key even Special Olympians know this. Just praythatthis isn’t the end for Kramer I get the impression he’s going to be very hard on himself and his coach. This is not something you can just shrug off- there’s money unfortunately involved. That used to not be the case, the gold was enough, that brought the prestige alone, but we’ve complicated athletics with money and that can be just as devestating if the athlete in question put him or herself in debt training for the Olympics.

If you’re wanting to go into the Olympics, or your a Special Olympian, get what you can afford and don’t sink too much into it. This isn’t your life, it’s part of your life. We need to remember what the Apostle Paul said though: I Corinthians 9:24- “”Doyou not know that in  race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold of [the prize] and make it yours.” Also Joshua 1:8 figures in : ” Be strong in the Lord and fear not.” You’ll make it Kramer, just hang in there! Your best option at this point, keep going and  FOCUS ON WHERE YOU ARE IN THE RACE!










Your Rights as a Taxpayer – WalletPop

Your Rights as a Taxpayer – WalletPop.

If you don’t know these, you can really get ripped off by the IRS. Send this to family, friends, co-workers, bosses, neighbors, and oh heck tell the whole neighborhood!


After Clergy Abuse Scandals, Ireland Needs a New St. Patrick — Politics Daily

After Clergy Abuse Scandals, Ireland Needs a New St. Patrick — Politics Daily.

Finally, a priest with some PROPHETIC NERVE AND  POWER! St. Patrick, St. Columba, and S. Brigitte would be proud! So would JESUS! HALLELUJAH!


CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily


via CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily.

This is pretty serious- the implications on how we fight the World-wide War on Terror could be impacted in ways I don’t even want to think about. We shouldn’t be treating “enemy combatants” like citizens, we should be doing our jobs right. Torture has become a major political hot potato and the main problem is that we need to keep our focus on the Lord’s instruction of how to do this. Pray for direction for both countries and pray that we are careful about how we are dealing with the particulars when they do start to entail citizens of  both countries.

We neglected to realize just how bad the radicalization of our own citizens has been. In light of the Ft. Dix and Ft. Hood incidents, we need to keep our eyes peeled for all kinds of things that we don’t realize. Let me be VERY SPECIFIC when I say “radicalization” I’m referring to lending support to l Qaeda and groups like it to destroy this nation. We need to keep fasting and praying and we need to keep going forward with restoring our nation to what it came to originally represent.

The things going on now are turning out to be detrimental to all people here and abroad. We need to quit “lawyering up” terrorists and doing our jobs. I don’t pretend that this is something I like, if I were any American citizen though, I’d read the back of my passport providing you have one, if you don’t borrow one. It’s VERY SPECIFIC about what they mean by “enemy combatant” and I bet if you look the phrase up, you’ll see a definition that is so clear that even the U.C.M.J. Uniform Code of Military Justice here in America includes it.

If we keep on the same course we are on, we will not only lose this war, but we will lose America too. Britain not withstanding. Britain is not America they are a country that may have originated us, but that doesn’t mean we are ANYTHING LIKE US! We’ve had to make that distinction for the last 2 1/3 centuries why start emulating them now?


CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily


via CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily.

This is pretty serious- the implications on how we fight the World-wide War on Terror could be impacted in ways I don’t even want to think about. We shouldn’t be treating “enemy combatants” like citizens, we should be doing our jobs right. Torture has become a major political hot potato and the main problem is that we need to keep our focus on the Lord’s instruction of how to do this. Pray for direction for both countries and pray that we are careful about how we are dealing with the particulars when they do start to entail citizens of  both countries.

We neglected to realize just how bad the radicalization of our own citizens has been. In light of the Ft. Dix and Ft. Hood incidents, we need to keep our eyes peeled for all kinds of things that we don’t realize. Let me be VERY SPECIFIC when I say “radicalization” I’m referring to lending support to l Qaeda and groups like it to destroy this nation. We need to keep fasting and praying and we need to keep going forward with restoring our nation to what it came to originally represent.

The things going on now are turning out to be detrimental to all people here and abroad. We need to quit “lawyering up” terrorists and doing our jobs. I don’t pretend that this is something I like, if I were any American citizen though, I’d read the back of my passport providing you have one, if you don’t borrow one. It’s VERY SPECIFIC about what they mean by “enemy combatant” and I bet if you look the phrase up, you’ll see a definition that is so clear that even the U.C.M.J. Uniform Code of Military Justice here in America includes it.

If we keep on the same course we are on, we will not only lose this war, but we will lose America too. Britain not withstanding. Britain is not America they are a country that may have originated us, but that doesn’t mean we are ANYTHING LIKE US! We’ve had to make that distinction for the last 2 1/3 centuries why start emulating them now?


CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily


via CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up — Politics Daily.

This is pretty serious- the implications on how we fight the World-wide War on Terror could be impacted in ways I don’t even want to think about. We shouldn’t be treating “enemy combatants” like citizens, we should be doing our jobs right. Torture has become a major political hot potato and the main problem is that we need to keep our focus on the Lord’s instruction of how to do this. Pray for direction for both countries and pray that we are careful about how we are dealing with the particulars when they do start to entail citizens of  both countries.

We neglected to realize just how bad the radicalization of our own citizens has been. In light of the Ft. Dix and Ft. Hood incidents, we need to keep our eyes peeled for all kinds of things that we don’t realize. Let me be VERY SPECIFIC when I say “radicalization” I’m referring to lending support to l Qaeda and groups like it to destroy this nation. We need to keep fasting and praying and we need to keep going forward with restoring our nation to what it came to originally represent.

The things going on now are turning out to be detrimental to all people here and abroad. We need to quit “lawyering up” terrorists and doing our jobs. I don’t pretend that this is something I like, if I were any American citizen though, I’d read the back of my passport providing you have one, if you don’t borrow one. It’s VERY SPECIFIC about what they mean by “enemy combatant” and I bet if you look the phrase up, you’ll see a definition that is so clear that even the U.C.M.J. Uniform Code of Military Justice here in America includes it.

If we keep on the same course we are on, we will not only lose this war, but we will lose America too. Britain not withstanding. Britain is not America they are a country that may have originated us, but that doesn’t mean we are ANYTHING LIKE US! We’ve had to make that distinction for the last 2 1/3 centuries why start emulating them now?