11 Mar


This is serious so listenp. It is not about fear but it is about portecting yourself. People do not realize this butthi is the number one cause of death in the world. When we let our governments murder us out right, that is evil to the core and wrong This is why-opening experience where I asked the Lord to show me the Truth about our real the 2nd Amendment is such a big deal to Americans. It’s not about our “wild personality” or our “unique perspective of ourselves.” It is about the basic fundamental right of every human being andthat is to live. Human life and human rightsa re a serious issue. This is more important noyt just to the U.S., but to everyhuman being breathing on this earth. DOn’t let these people just outright murder you. Prepare, wake up, arm yourselves to the teeth (you don’t need nukes) just don’t let them take your firearms. That has been the cause of all genocide inthe last 2 centuries or more. They ahave taken our access to firearms and self-determination. whether it was the Kings and Queens of Europe or the dictators of the 20th an d now current 21st centuries. When you let power strangel you, you are at fault just as much as they are.

DON’T LET THEM KILL YOU! DON’T LET EVIL WIN! SATAN IS GREEDILY RUBBING HIS HANDS JUST WAITING TO SEE THE CARELESSNESS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH! WE NEED YOU TO NOT JUST COME TO JESUS CHRIST WE NEED YOU TO REALIZE THAT SATAN IS A MURDERER, HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE! It doesn’t matter what your background is, the only problem I know that everybody is going to have is thw exclusivity claims of Jesus. I’m going to be very straight with you, all religions claim exclusivity and so it’s not a matter of that, I it is the vlaidity of the claims that are at stake. Even the claims of Jesus Christ are controversial, but I will say this, i’ve learned something about myself and about Him. I had a very eye-opening experience. I asked Him to show me jut how our lives were linked.

Let me put it this way, I was SHOCKED at how all- encompassing His guidance had been and how true to life and real. I love Him deeply and dearly and would like for you to get to know Him. I even asked if I could mix religions, and found under no uncertain terms can you. This is a one-shot deal folks. Jesus is “the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE”! John 14:6 and that settes it I’m afraid because if you try to do what I tried, it will destroy you. We all spend eternity somewhere and we have evidence that there IS life after death. Secular and non-secular entertainers Christian and non-Christian and we’ve all come to one conclusion mainly, you want to be on the right side no matter what sidet hat is. I know there are going to be people to tell you that I’m a fake, or that I’m trying to “distract you with Illuminati b.s.” REALITY CHECK: CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION! IT IS A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Religion is dea and cold and will kill as soon as look at you – even satan is religious- odnn’t believe me? asl an occultist what they do all the time.They basically are tryingto appease their MURDEROUS LEADER!


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